Quotation from The Daily Hukamnama
THIRD MEHL: Wearing ceremonial robes, the fire is not quenched, and
the mind is filled with anxiety. Destroying the snakes hole, the
snake is not killed; it is just like doing deeds without a Guru.
Serving the Giver, the True Guru, the Word of the Shabad comes to
abide in the mind. The mind and body are cooled and soothed; peace
ensues, and the fire of desire is quenched. The greatest comforts and
lasting peace are obtained, when one eradicates selfishness from
within. He alone becomes a detached Gurmukh, who lovingly focuses his
awareness on the True Lord. Anxiety does not affect him at all; he is
satisfied and satiated with the Name of the Lord. O Nanak, without the
Naam, no one is saved; they are utterly ruined by egotism. || 2 ||
PAUREE: Those who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, obtain
all peace and comforts. Fruitful is the entire life of those, who feel
hunger for the Name of the Lord in their minds. Those who worship and
adore the Lord through the Gurus Word, forget all their pain and
suffering. Those Gursikhs are good Saints, who care for nothing other
than the Lord. Blessed, blessed is their Guru, whose mouth tastes the
Ambrosial Fruit of the Lord. || 6 ||
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